Concerns associated with biomass fuels


Burning biomass usually takes more operator attention then burning conventional fuels. A biomass fired boiler system can be shut down if an over sized chip jams the fuel handling equipment. Operators need to watch for jamming and shutdowns, which are more frequent than with oil or gas boiler systems.

In contrast to other fuels, biomass fuel is variable in quality. It may require more vigilance and effort from the owner to ensure the desired fuel quality. Fuel quality can vary with the time of year and the species of wood being chipped.

1.Chip suppliers may become lax about the size characteristics of the fuel they provide and about keeping the fuel from getting wet when it rains or snows.
2.It may require time and effort to set up a stable biomass fuel supply network in a region where one is not in place. Most marketable biomass in the Northeast is sold to paper mills and electric generating plants.So, the biomass fired boiler power plant is favored by people. It may be difficult to get biomass suppliers to meet the needs of institutions such as schools and hospitals that are used to the level of customer service that oil dealers provide.
3.Biomass does not burn as cleanly as natural gas. The public may be worried about a new biomass installation because of the reputation of wood burning as being “dirty”. Public education about modern wood-chip heating is critically important for the success of any project. The public’s perception of wood burning is often based on home wood stove experience, with little or no understanding of the new generation of wood-chip steam boiler systems.
4.Some biomass systems require more maintenance than systems using conventional fuels. While the best biomass installations have no higher maintenance costs and personnel needs than facilities that oil & gas fired boiler

Some biomass system owners have experienced increase maintenance costs for either operator time or parts replacement and repairs.

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